I'm enjoying having my camera again after our week long separation. My cousin, who was driving through town on her way back from attending a wedding in east Texas sweetly returned my pal, along with a few travelling companions she acquired on the trip. They documented their adventure along the way.
Audrie's broken arm. A minor fall off of her scooter resulted in a buckle fracture on her right wrist. She started with a hot pink cast, and is currently sporting one in a patriotic red.

I love my lantanas that we planted in the backyard. They make me happy!
We made a fine discovery on the sidewalk in our neighborhood. I don't think I've ever seen a dragonfly so big. He's been sitting on our table for 3 days now, but I'm determined to look at his wings through the microscope before we respectfully discard him.
Pop Tarts are delicious and not to be shared, according to Finn.

Lazy summer days are all the rage around here. Made even better with freezer pops!

Fireworks are magical!
And last, but not least, there's a reason why I haven't been posting art lately, why my house has acquired a colony of dust bunnies, and why my kids have been spending a lot of time with their electronic babysitter (i.e. the TV). Here's a sneak peak of something I've been working on for the last few months:

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July holiday, and stay tuned for a big announcement!
Nessa Dee
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