Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Family That Labels Together, Stays Together

I missed posting yesterday because I was busy with this mess:

The Etsy Austin team will be out at SXSW the next two weekends promoting Etsy, buying handmade, and our individual shops. A last minute change of my promo goodies meant hurried work to meet the 4PM deadline. My in-laws who were in town at the time were so gracious to help me get everything ready. We formed an assembly line, and got to 1PM, I had 114 bookmarks ready to go into our promo bags.

Things got a little wild half way through as they tend to get when Popsie's helping out. Labels were stuck everywhere.

Even Trixie got in on the action....well....sort of. She just chewed on whatever fell to the floor.

By 1PM, I had 114 bookmarks ready to go into our promo bags. If my family hadn't been there to help, I'm sure I would given up and crawled under the table and joined Trixie in destroying stuff.
Thanks a million!


Kristi Valiant said...

What fabulous bookmarks. And family.

JillP said...

Save me a bookmark! They are so very cute.

mindy~ree said...