After letting it grow for a couple of years, she finally chopped her hair off. She's had this haircut before, but decided to let it grow out. Unfortunately, long hair isn't really suited to a tender-headed kid. So, after many painful battles with tangles, she (with a little prompting from the captain of the comb, me) decided to go for the short cut again. She told the hairstylist that she likes her long hair, but doesn't like it, too! So farewell long hair. We'll miss you, but not your tangles!
Cptn. Comb
Your sweet babay...
She looks cute in short hair, couple up with her big smile.
we have the SAME battle with tangles every time I brush Mia's hair...I wish she would chop her hair off too! ;) Her daddy isn't ready to part with it yet though! lol
This cut is TOO cute on your little girl!!! :)
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