Well, I'm back from a week long hiatus of visiting more family in Texas. I went with good intentions of planning out the first semester of Audrie's homeschooling, completing a painting for
Etsy, finishing an illustration for
IF, and organizing my life. You know, the usual stuff. Instead, I came back with some home decor from a shopping extravaganza, a few extra pounds, and a nasty cold that won't go away. It seems like every time I get together with family, any rules regarding work, i.e. continuing to do it, fly out the window. It's as if time stops for that week and resumes once I'm back. So, last night, between popping throat lozenges and trying to relieve the pressure that was squeezing my head, I was planning Audrie's first week of school. Oh, and I forgot to mention that in preparation for my husband's upcoming class reunion, we started a new workout program that includes a diet. How I wanted to bury my face in a bucket of
carb-filled goodness, but I had to settle for scrambled eggs with spinach. And I can't tell if the aching in my neck and shoulders is from my cold, or the ridiculous amount of push-ups I did yesterday. Needless to say, I skipped this morning's workout along with Jonathan who inherited my cold, and opted for a trip to
Wal-Mart to stock up on cold medicine and donuts....for the kids. We started school a bit late, but with the help of some
Sudafed and caffeine, we ended up finishing early. I got Audrie to piano lessons and soccer practice, and managed to hold a decent conversation with the other soccer moms given my foggy
headedness and toad-like croak that has replaced my already mannish voice. Both kids are in bed, having been fed supper, given baths, and read three chapters from our current nightly book,
The Tale of Despereaux. I am now looking forward to taking my morning bath at 10PM.
I'll leave you with a few pictures from our trip, and our yearly first day of school pics:
Audrie and new cousin Gavin.

Finn and Audrie with their Popsie on the big green tractor. Popsie wrote Audrie's name in the grass.

Morning donuts at
MiMi's....or was this the afternoon donuts? Really, why haven't my kids
rebelled and refused to come home with me?

1st day of second grade.

And Finn's attempt to hold up two fingers to show his age.
Nessa Dee
The prep that goes into reunions is the reason I won't go to any. It is much too stressful.
Donuts with chocolate icing and sprinkles is all I crave when I am sick. They are the perfect medicine.
you crack me up! i love your candour, ness. this was a great read!
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